How old do I need to be to play paintball in NSW?

In NSW by law you need to be at least 12 years of age to be able to play paintball.

Do I need photo ID to play paintball?

Yes paintball markers are registered sporting devices and all players, no matter how old they are need to bring Photo ID on the day of play.

What forms of photo ID can I bring to play paintball?

Any legitimate ID that has your Name, Photo and Date of Birth on it such as your Drivers License, a Sporting Team Photo ID, Passport, NSW Photo Card, School Photo ID or Proof of Age Card.

How many players do I need in my group to play paintball?

There is no minimum number required on the weekends. Average groups sizes are around 35 players in a group, it’s more fun the more targets you have to shoot at so if you have a smaller group you will be mixed in with others. Midweek sessions are available by appointment only and require a minimum of 10 players, further conditions apply.

How many players do I need in my group to play paintball on our own?

A minimum of 30 players on the day, however if you have less players – subject to availability you can pre-book your own personal referee for $200 and have your own group, conditions apply.

Will players in my group all be on the same paintball team?

It is more fun to have a chance to shoot your friends so groups are mixed within the teams. This also prevents an ‘us and them’ mentality and encourages the making of new friends.

Can people come just to watch us play paintball?

We do have under cover areas where people can sit and wait but due to the size of the venue they don’t get to see a whole lot, so we suggest they bring a book to read.

How long does paintball take?

The paintball experience can go anywhere from 1-4 hours. Session times vary depending on how many paintballs are purchased and how trigger happy people are. Most sessions with an arrival time of 8:30 – 9:00am and the average number of paintballs tend to finish up around 1:00pm.

Are EFTPOS facilities available at the paintball site?

YES – Bank cards, Visa and MasterCard only.

Can I bring my own drinks to paintball?

You are more than welcome to bring your own drinks to have after the session, but keep in mind drinks, Eskies, backpacks and bags cannot be taken out onto the playing fields. We recommend leaving your drinks in the car in an Eski until you are done.

Once you leave the compound you are out on the playing fields for the entirety of the session, cold drinks are available for purchase on the fields in the rest areas throughout the session and can be clicked off your player tag and paid for at the end.

Can I wear glasses and play paintball?

Yes. Glasses will fit under the masks, though comfort level depends more on the size of your frames. If you do wear glasses, let one of our staff know and we will apply some anti-fog solution to your glasses as we do to all mask lenses to help prevent fogging.

What should I wear to paintball?

Ultimate Paintball provides a camo battle suit as part of your tactical kit hire to go over your clothes. We recommend light clothing to be worn underneath, or take as much of as you are comfortable with. That way you have something non sweaty to put back on afterwards and it will help prevent you from overheating.

How many paintballs do I need?

The average number of paintballs people tend to use in a session is about 800 – 1000 each. Some people play with a lot more, some people less. It just varies depending on how trigger happy you are..!! Download our information pack for more information on package pricing.

How do I know the number of paintballs I have left on the day?

Paintballs purchased at the start of a session are allocated to you on a player tag. You are issued with a Pod Belt which carries the paint & a number of paintballs to start with, you then collect any remaining paint throughout the session. If you purchase any extra paintballs out on the field these are also allocated to you on the player tag. Your referee can check the tag and notify you of remaining paint if you are unsure.

It is your responsibility as the player to collect and use all of your paintballs. No refunds or exchange is given for unused or forgotten paint, a basic used it or lose policy applies. At the end of a session any unused paint is forfeited and legally can not be removed from the paintball venue.

Is parking available on site at paintball?

Yes ample parking is available on site as well as bus parking at Camden. The drive way to get to the car park may include rural dirt and unsealed roads.

What food options are available on site at paintball?

A selection of chocolate bars, crisps and drinks are available for purchase on site.

Or there is a pub just around the corner where you can have a cold one while dining in the beer garden.

Please note food options are subject to change without notice.


Paintball Site Location:

Camden - Corner of Remembrance Dr
& Cawdor Rd, Cawdor NSW 2570

Phone: (02) 4648 4000
PO Box 326
[email protected]